Poem for a toddler

Have you ever noticed how a toddler will react to a tiny thing like it's the end of the world? Yes. Of course you have, these small tyrants and their reactions reach impressive decibels.

I was listening to a young boy, who is actually a beautiful and very happy child 90% of the time, have a minor meltdown. He sounded truly heartbroken (over what I later discovered was over a shoe issue), so I wrote the following:


Kalladi, Sri Lanka                                              

For Zia (aged 20 months)


I am not crying.


I am not crying because you packed away my crayons.

You misunderstand me mother.

I am lamenting the loss of beauty in this bleak, uncaring world.

I am not crying because I smashed a glass, or because you reprimanded me.

You misunderstand me mother.

I am realising the fragility of life. Things will smash and I can change nothing.

I am not crying because you put me to bed.

You misunderstand me mother.

I am mourning the death of another day and the transience of time.

I am not crying mother,

You misunderstand me.

I am not crying.

